Denise Drespling is the author of the short story,
“Reflections,” published in the Tales of Mystery, Suspense & Terror
anthology (Chuffed Buff Books - October 2014) and “10 Items or
Less,” published in 10: Carlow’s MFA Anniversary Anthology (Carlow University
Press - April 2014). She is pursuing an MFA in creative writing from Carlow
University and holds a BA from Lancaster Bible College. She discusses books and writing on her blog, The Land of What Ifs. She is a member of Pennwriters and AWP,
and co-founder of writers’ group Literary
Fusion. Tweet her here.
Stephen L. Duncan writes Young Adult novels inspired by his travels around the world and the characters he’s met. He’s interested in finding those unique connections between stories and places, people and circumstance. When he’s not writing, Stephen plays guitar and soccer, loves to cook, and spends time taking horribly-framed pictures. You can find him blogging at INKROCK.com. The first book in his debut series, The Revelation Saga, is available now from Medallion Press. Stephen is represented by John Rudolph of Dystel & Goderich Literary Management.
Jemi Fraser writes contemporary romance and is currently working on 2 series she hopes to release in 2015. Jemi lives in Canada where she helps her students realize a day without reading is like a day without recess. When not reading or writing, she can be found watching way too many sports, listening to music, and dreaming about those Happy Ever Afters. You can also find her chatting at her personal blog, Just Jemi, as well as in the Twitter-verse.
R.C. Lewis is a self-avowed science geek and
linguaphile who merges both passions into writing science fiction and fantasy
for young adults. When not writing, R.C. teaches math—that's right, math—and
has done so with both hearing and deaf teens. She's represented by Jennifer
Laughran of Andrea Brown Literary Agency. Her debut YA novel, STITCHING SNOW is available now from Disney-Hyperion. To hear from
R.C. on all things geeky and random, check out her site or find her
on Twitter.
J. Lea López—J. Lea (pronounced Lee, if you're wondering) writes character-driven women's fiction and erotica. Some of her short pieces have appeared online in Divine Dirt Quarterly and Oysters&Chocolate. She is a self-proclaimed band and choir geek as well as a lover of jello, British television, and horrifically cheesy movies on SyFy. To hear about the similarities between life, writing and jello, visit her blog, Jello World. She recently started tweeting and would love to see you there as well.
Brighton Luke hails from Texas where he likes to
spend lazy afternoons at the George W. Bush Presidential Library. An avid
horseman, Brighton pens westerns despite the complete un-marketability of the
genre. All of his stories are inspired by the ideas of his talking cat Noodles,
a former Jewish gangster from Brooklyn, who was sentenced to a lifetime of
crushing snuggles and photo shoots for his actions in the Sergio Leone film Once
Upon A Time In America. When not writing, Brighton enjoys kayaking amongst
his oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.Stephen L. Duncan writes Young Adult novels inspired by his travels around the world and the characters he’s met. He’s interested in finding those unique connections between stories and places, people and circumstance. When he’s not writing, Stephen plays guitar and soccer, loves to cook, and spends time taking horribly-framed pictures. You can find him blogging at INKROCK.com. The first book in his debut series, The Revelation Saga, is available now from Medallion Press. Stephen is represented by John Rudolph of Dystel & Goderich Literary Management.
Jemi Fraser writes contemporary romance and is currently working on 2 series she hopes to release in 2015. Jemi lives in Canada where she helps her students realize a day without reading is like a day without recess. When not reading or writing, she can be found watching way too many sports, listening to music, and dreaming about those Happy Ever Afters. You can also find her chatting at her personal blog, Just Jemi, as well as in the Twitter-verse.
J. Lea López—J. Lea (pronounced Lee, if you're wondering) writes character-driven women's fiction and erotica. Some of her short pieces have appeared online in Divine Dirt Quarterly and Oysters&Chocolate. She is a self-proclaimed band and choir geek as well as a lover of jello, British television, and horrifically cheesy movies on SyFy. To hear about the similarities between life, writing and jello, visit her blog, Jello World. She recently started tweeting and would love to see you there as well.
Mindy McGinnis is a YA author who has worked in a high school library for thirteen years. Her debut, NOT A DROP TO DRINK, a post-apocalyptic survival story set in a world with very little freshwater, has been optioned for film by Stephenie Meyer's Fickle Fish Films. The companion novel, IN A HANDFUL OF DUST was released in 2014. Look for her Gothic historical thriller, A MADNESS SO DISCREET in October of 2015 from Katherine Tegen Books. Mindy is represented by Adriann Ranta of Wolf Literary.
R.S. Mellette has written, directed, designed and acted in theatre, film and television for over 30 years. His credits in various jobs include: two seasons with the Virginia Shakespeare Festival, Xena: Warrior Princess, Nutty Professor II: The Klumps, Blue Crush, and his own Jacks or Better, which won Dances With Films best screenplay in 2000. He has been working with the festival ever since. His novel, BILLY BOBBLE HAS A MAGIC WAND is available from Elephant's Bookshelf Press. He blogs at Dances With Blogs.
Sophie Perinot writes historical fiction. Her debut novel, THE SISTER QUEENS is available now. Perinot collaborated on a novel-in-six-parts, A DAY OF FIRE, telling the story of the last days of Pompeii. Perinot's next solo novel, MEDICI'S DAUGHTER will be available in 2015 from Thomas Dunne. Peridot is an active member of the Historical Novel Society and is also active among the literary Twitterati. You can follow her there as well as on Facebook. For more on Sophie and her books, please check out her website.
Riley Redgate is a bookstore-and-Starbucks-dweller from North Carolina. She enjoys writing about first kisses, awkwardness, self-doubt, and other joys of adolescence, especially in dark and/or dangerous speculative settings. Her short fiction has appeared in Bad Austen. She blogs at In The Jungle and tries to cram full thoughts into 140 characters here.
Matt Sinclair writes and edits
Charlee Vale is a New York City based Young Adult writer, photographer, bookseller, and lover of tea. She is a Literary Assistant at The Bent Agency, the Managing Editor of Novel Thoughts, and freelance graphic designer. When not writing and reviewing, you can find her working on fun photo shoots and hanging out with NYC book friends. You can find her on Twitter, and at her website.
Cat Woods has a passion for pirates, chai tea, and underdogs. Three of her short stories can be found in TALES FROM THE BULLY BOX, while her middle grade novel, ABIGAIL BINDLE AND THE SLAM BOOK SCAM, is slated for release in 2015. From her home in land-locked Minnesota, Cat tutors math and fights bullies on and off the page. You can join her at The Bully Box or follow her blog about bugs, bullies and other cool stuff at Cat 4 Kids. In addition, her big person blog, Words From The Woods, chronicles her journey as a writer mom.