Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New Year, New Faces!

From the Write Angle is coming up on its second birthday (hard to believe—already?), and part of what's kept us going is the opportunity to associate with writers from so many areas within the publishing sphere. We're thrilled to introduce two new perspectives you'll be seeing in the coming weeks.

First up is Brighton Luke, whose creativity spans novel-writing to filmmaking and beyond, as we saw when we asked him to write a bio:

Brighton hails from Texas where he likes to spend lazy afternoons at the George W. Bush Presidential Library. An avid horseman, Brighton pens westerns despite the complete un-marketability of the genre. All of his stories are inspired by the ideas of his talking cat Noodles, a former Jewish gangster from Brooklyn, who was sentenced to a lifetime of crushing snuggles and photo shoots for his actions in the Sergio Leone film Once Upon A Time In America. When not writing, Brighton enjoys kayaking amongst his oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.

We'll be hearing more from Brighton as soon as we drag him away from the ski slopes of Vermont.

Next up is Charlee Vale, who has a rare inside/outside view to the world of publishing:

Charlee is a Young Adult writer, photographer, aspiring editor, actor, and lover of tea. She lives in New York City, and is finishing up her Master’s degree in Theatre Performance and Playwriting. When not writing you can find her reading (bookshelf zero WILL happen at some point), painting, photographing, and of course brewing tea. She currently interns with Libby Murphy as an editorial apprentice Entangled Publishing. You can find her on twitter, and at her website

We're looking forward to Charlee's perspective on publishing from both a writer's and editor's view (and how theater plays into it all).

Please give a warm welcome to these new Write Anglers, and keep an eye out for their debut posts coming soon!


JeffO said...

Looking forward to seeing what y'all have to say!

MarcyKate said...

Woohoo! Welcome Brighton & Charlee :D

Jemi Fraser said...

YAY!! So happy to have you 2 aboard!! :)

Jean Oram said...

Woot! Welcome! I'm loving the new faces and I'm sure we'll be in for a great treat with some great and interesting perspectives!