When I first started writing, I hadn't realized there was a difference between head hopping and multiple points of view. There is and it's important! I write romance, and like many romance authors, I like to tell the story from the viewpoints of both the male and female lead characters. But I've learned to be very, very careful.
Head Hopping
- changing the pov character in the middle of a scene, sometimes in the middle of a paragraph
- the pov switch is shown within the sentence, often by indicating what the character is thinking (Mary wanted nothing more than to snatch the pen from his hand and shove it deep into his brain. John watched the glint in Mary's eye and took a judicious step backward.)
- the pov character is consistent throughout the entire scene
- there is a physical indicator of change - often a scene or chapter break
But don't try it! Nora Roberts is a very talented author with a great reputation. She's also an international best seller many times over with a bazillion books sold.
Are you?
Okay then. Probably better to stick with the current trend of only switching your point of view character at a scene or chapter break.
Do you use multiple points of view when you're writing your stories?
Jemi Fraser is an aspiring author of contemporary romance. She blogs and tweets while searching for those HEAs.
The switch needs to be apparent. I've read a few books when it's not and it's quite confusing.
I haven't tried multiple POVs, but I'd like to.
I usually stick to just two, although my next book has three. And I usually switch between breaks. Only once did I have to switch within a scene.
Medeia - exactly! If it's not obvious - it's too hard to read :)
Alex - switching within the scene has to be very well done - which I'm sure yours is. If it was in the 1st 2 books, I didn't notice it as awkward!! :)
I'm still new at this. Sometimes when I'm in a scene and then have to leave and come back to it, I forget who's POV I'm writing in, so for now, I put it at the top, just for me. Keeps me straight. I like to write in multiple pov's though. It helps me dig deeper into the other characters, like the villain and one of my other 'supporting characters'. My ADD brain gets bored with just one POV..lol
I'm not in favour of POV shift mid-scene. If there has to be more than one MC, I prefer it to be one chapter, one character.
Maria' Book Blog
My first (still unpublished) novel was one POV, all the way through. That one was easy, because it was also first person. My current one is 3rd, with multiple POV characters. I'm mostly good at avoiding head-hopping, but I do have a tendency to slide toward omni.
I have not tried multiple pov, but I think i want to try it. I just will have to make my feeble brain work overtime.
One of the best things about writing epic fantasy is the ability to get into so many characters' heads. I was able to write from seven POV's, including several villains. It was a blast!
And it is possible to get published with that many POV's. That debut fantasy, Kindar's Cure, comes out May 1st.
This is awesome! I'm doing multiple POV for my epic fantasy too (like Michelle) and it is SO FUN. JK Rowling did head hopping AMAZINGLY in THE CASUAL VACANCY. Best example of switching viewpoints I've seen so far. Very smoothly done.
Ah, you named my favorite head hopper (I love JD Robb's In Death series). But, as you said, you have to be Roberts/Robb to get away with it.
I like multiple POV's, both in my reading and in my writing. I don't like being limited to only knowing what's in one character's head.
I've been reading "The Sword of Shannara" and was at first stunned by the head hopping! At one point I was confused, but I'm getting used to it now.
I still don't care for it. I prefer to switch heads by chapter.
Suzanne - I do like the multiple perspectives too! It does take you deeper :)
Maria - as long as there's a scene switch, I'm okay - but not if the switches are too frequent!
Jeff - I've always like the double pov - probably because of the romance aspect :)
Dobson - if my brain can do it, I bet yours is up to the task! :)
Michelle - I love when people break through the trends with awesome story telling!! That's when you know you've got talent!
SC - I do love the multiple povs too - love seeing the other characters from new eyes! I have to read the Vacancy still.
Linda - she really is a great head hopper! Love the In Death series too - one of my faves!! :)
Dianna - I'd forgotten Brooks hopped heads in the Shannara series. It's been too long since I read those books - they're awesome!
I tend to write from one POV, but I do enjoy reading stories from multiple POVs. I think your advice about head hopping is spot on! Great post!
I love multiple POVs. I have them in my WIP, at chapter breaks, and each chapter is labeled with the POV character's name.
Jess - thanks! I think some of the genres lend themselves better to multiple povs too :)
Marcia - that's a good idea! I haven't done that, but I just may borrow it! :)
I'm not a fan of too much head hopping. I tend to stick with one POV throughout my stories.
Christine - I think it depends on the genre and the story for me! :)
I like my POV changes for new scene.
Great post, Jemi!
Thanks Nas! I like them that way too :)
I'm not a fan of head-popping either!
Great post! :)
Head hopping can be much too confusing when reading. I can't imagine how I'd pull it off in my writing. I much prefer obvious changes in the POV (with scene changes, etc) so that I'm not ripped out of the plot.
Cynthia - anything that rips you out of the plot is a definite nono! I've read a few whole do it well, and I don't mind those, but for the most part, I like my switches at scene changes too :)
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